Another New Year!

Another New Year’s, another opportunity to begin again. Every year at this time we tend to set hard and fast goals for ourselves, whether they be related to fitness, nutrition, finances, or time management. Of course, setting goals for improvements you really want in your life are important. However, we suggest to you that coloring those goals with flexibility and kindness is key to ensure that you can attain those goals in a healthy and happy way. 

Try this on: rather than setting the concrete goal of “I must lose x amount of weight by March 15th,” create a more positive goal and supportive intention, “My goal is to lose x amount of weight, I would like to lose this weight by March 15th, but I intend to pursue this weight loss using healthy techniques and with kindness for myself.” Simply by changing the tone of your goal setting and allowing yourself some space within it, you are more likely to approach it from a positive place which will ultimately help you to stick to it and keep moving forward. 

A few other tips to keep in mind. The best exercise is the one you will do, so pick work outs that you have fun doing (like pilates!) The best food choices are the ones you can stick with, so make choices that are at once healthy, but that you also enjoy without total deprivation. And keep in mind, small changes paired with perseverance lead to bigger results later on!

Here at Pilates on Purpose, our team approaches health and wellness from many angles. Health and wellness does not equal to a certain weight or size, it is about overall well-being: a healthy body that can function and support your life, a positive, sharp mind, and a light spirit. As we pursue our health goals in the New Year, let’s be sure to cultivate health in body, mind, and spirit so that we are good on every level! Our family here at Pilates on Purpose is here to help you do that. 

